Kražiai Žygimantas Liauksminas Gymnasium has celebrated an anniversary of 400 years and it is one of the oldest schools in Lithuania.
28 teachers work in gymnasium and it has 200 students. Students from the age of 6 to 18 attend school. It covers pre-school, primary, basic and secondary education.
The school has experience in international projects as partners and coordinators such as: “Europa Puzle”, “Otium? Negotium?”, “Wir lernen Gesund zu leben”, “Make a change and listen to their voice”. Besides the students not only study, go in for sports, dance and sing, play in the theatre, they also take part in voluntary activities, explore the environment they live in. Every spring students and teachers help the community of our village to clean the river’s shores, the cemetery, Medziokalnis botanical sanctuary and all the village while taking part in voluntary activity “Darom!“ .
Since 2003 Kraziai Zygimantas Liauksminas Gymnasium arranges summer theatre’s camps “Collegium” annually, in which 25 pupils from all Lithuania’s republic schools participate. The final camp’s work – a play, which is shown to people at large at Kraziai Festival. The camp’s participants gain the skills of improvisation, acting, movement, scenic language. Most of this gymnasium theatre’s participants – pupils choose stage direction studies.
But not only our school is known in Lithuania. Kraziai is a town, rich in historical and cultural heritage in central Samogitia (western Lithuania). The population of the town stands at about 650, and in the whole neighbourhood of Kražiai there are about 3000 people. It is a rural community centre. The name of the locality is first mentioned in a 1257 document of King Mindaugas.
Kraziai has a deep history, churches and monasteries of Kraziai have not only shaped the face of the urban village, but had a special significance in cultural and spiritual life of Semogitia and Lithuania. Everyone who wants to view Kraziai, has to climb on Vytautas hill using the ladder made of 50 step stone boulders, where the first church was built in Samogitia in 1416 and named by Archangel St. Michael. The beautiful scenery of the whole town together with magnificent Kraziai College building rises from Vytautas hill. On the one side – Kraziai St. Virgin Mary Immaculate Conception parish church, of the late Baroque style, which was related to the events of Kraziai Massacre in 1893. On the other side – Medziokalnis, where, according to the legend, the goddess Medeina lived and burned the sacred fire. It is really worth to visit.
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